The unique appearance of the owl makes it very distinguishable with its large head and enormous eyes. The owl is a ferocious and powerful hunter and will only consume live animals. Owls are independent birds and do have predators to worry about. They are considered to be top food chain elements. Here are a few tips for attracting these incredible birds to backyards.
1) Owls use dead trees to roost in to hear and spot their prey. Leave as many trees and snags as you can.
2) Keep cats indoors.
3) When an owl makes a kill, they often spend a few minutes on the ground so be sure your dog can’t get to them.
4) Make owl nest boxes and/or platforms.
5) Remove any unused barbed wire on your property.
6) Don’t pick up fuzzy owls that may be on the ground; rather contact a local wildlife rehabilitator immediately.
7) Support O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society
8) Consider planting prairie or other native plants or allowing parts of your yard to be wild. This will attract more wildlife which in turn attracts owls.