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Letters: Pick up and bin it

Some think it’s okay to bag the poop and leave it on the trail when there is a bin within a couple 100 feet from them
Dog poop bag
Carry a bag, pick up and bin it says this Optimist letter writer.


Re: dyke trail and dog poop

I have walked the trail from 12th Ave. to the concession stand both back and front for the past 20 years and never have I seen such blatant disrespect for the bylaw which requires you to pick up after your pooch.

Some people say and I quote: “Nature will take care of it,” or “It makes good fertilizer.”

Well folks it’s time to re-think your misguided logic. Some think it’s okay to bag the poop and leave it on the trail when there is a bin within a couple 100 feet from them.

What is it going to take to convince these misguided dog owners that it is not okay? Protests? Vigilante groups or maybe take a photo of the offender and publish it in the Optimist (shame the owner).

I don’t think we have to go that far. I’m just throwing it out there for debate.

If the offenders read this message, I’m sure they will find a way to correct their errand ways, carry a bag, pick up and bin it.

Richard Smyth