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Blog: Can you flee the flea?

Cat-scratch fever, typhus and the plague can all be transmitted by fleas. They inflict painful bites that can leave itchy welts that last for days and the scratching can easily lead to open wounds, sores and infection.

Cat-scratch fever, typhus and the plague can all be transmitted by fleas. They inflict painful bites that can leave itchy welts that last for days and the scratching can easily lead to open wounds, sores and infection. Fleas are little parasitic hitchhikers that survive on their hosts’ blood. Flea bites on humans swell up because of an allergic reaction to the saliva of fleas. Fleas also play a role in the life cycle and reproduction of a certain type of tapeworm. If a flea larva ingests a tapeworm egg and that flea is eaten by a dog or cat then that animal will get tapeworms. This is the time of the year when fleas are forced inside homes due to our excessively wet weather. Once inside, the bloodsuckers tend to gravitate toward places frequented by potential blood donors. Carpets, upholstered chairs, human beds, pet beds, curtains, slippers, baseboards, as well as cracks and crevices, make wonderful harborage sites for fleas. If you have a flea infestation, don’t waste your money on retail products, call a pro and get it over with.