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Blog: Deadly raccoon roundworm can infect humans without symptoms

A fatal raccoon parasite that can cause neurological problems has infected several humans in the last two years. Although not all infected with this parasite lead to severe disease.

A fatal raccoon parasite that can cause neurological problems has infected several humans in the last two years. Although not all infected with this parasite lead to severe disease. The parasite can spread from raccoons to other wildlife, dogs or humans. Animals can become infected by digging through raccoon feces containing the parasite eggs. After an animal or person swallows parasite eggs, the larvae hatch causing damage to tissues as they grow. Symptoms of an infection in humans include nausea, liver problems, loss of muscle control and blindness. Raccoons have an affinity to treat decks, roofs and stacked firewood as a lavatory. People can touch the firewood or children can crawl through the animal waste and become infected after putting their tainted fingers in their mouths. Because the parasite is acquired by ingesting raccoon feces, avoid contact with raccoon waste, wear gloves when working with animals or their feces, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.