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Blog: Plerergate Honey Pot Ants

The role of honey ants is quite simple, get immense, plump and succulent. They become fuel tanks of the colony.
honey ant

The role of honey ants is quite simple, get immense, plump and succulent. They become fuel tanks of the colony. It starts when workers bring them food and they gorge themselves, their abdomens become bloated with the liquid and they look like honey pots. This condition is called plerergate and their bloated bellies can reach the size a cherry tomato. The food is stored in the form of water, liquids and body fats. These inflatable honey pots are usually found deep in the nest, hanging upside down from nests ceilings. Once the pleregated ants are completely puffed-up, they become immovable. Now depending on the type ant, the plerergate will martyr itself and are totally eaten by its fellow ants, or they just spit open and disperse the sugary solution. In the case where the plerergate is used a gas station, the workers simply stoke its antennae and this triggers it to regurgitate its bounty. Honey ants are usually found in hot desert areas or in very dry - yet cool woodlands. They are edible, as the liquid has a very sweet taste and regarded as a charming dessert.