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Delta farmers secure over $140,000 in funding to implement beneficial management practices

Crops can flourish with the implementation of beneficial management practices through the BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund
Crops can flourish with the implementation of beneficial management practices through the BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund. Mark Stebnicki Photo

Last year, Delta farmers received over $140,000 in funding through BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund (BCCAF), a program funded by Agriculture and Argi-Food Canada’s Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund and delivered by IAF.

The program, which funded six Delta-based projects last year, supports B.C. farmers in adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) in three specific areas: nitrogen management, cover cropping, and rotational grazing.

What exactly is a BMP and how can it benefit farmers? A BMP is a practice or technology that helps mitigate environmental risks. Under BCCAF some of the BMPs eligible for funding include transitioning to manure in place of synthetic fertilizers or planting cover crops. Adopting BMPs can help farmers improve the efficiency and environmental sustainability of their operations.

The three BMPs eligible for funding under the program, when implemented correctly, help store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases. Nitrogen management relates to the management of nitrogen in the soil through testing and various application methods while cover cropping is primarily used to improve soil health.

Rotational grazing involves separating a large pasture into smaller paddocks so the livestock can be moved around from one paddock to the other; as a result, this gives time for rest and recovery of grasses, improves growing and reduces invasive species. Individually, these BMPs can improve the health of the land and increase stability, but when combined, their impact is much greater.

Monika Parkes, owner of Humble Tractor Farm, completed a project through BCCAF and was very pleased with the results, “we are the second generation on this farm, and have taken an entirely new direction with the land. For the first time in decades there are pastured animals, field crops and various forms of wildlife coexisting on this beautiful space. The program has allowed us to move forward on various long term sustainable projects and repairs in a timely manner. With the funding we will reach our soil goals in a reasonable timeline, see our farmland flourish and be able to support our community with nutrient dense food and environmentally sustainable processes.”

Farmers in Delta, and all over B.C., are eligible to apply for BCCAF if they are appropriately registered, licensed and/or certified to conduct business in BC and can cover 30 per cent of their project costs. The remaining 70 per cent of the project costs are covered by BCCAF. Farmers can receive a total of $75,000 in funding through the program.

In addition to funding farmer’s projects, BCCAF also focuses on knowledge sharing for the three BMPs in the form of field days, workshops, videos, podcasts and more. Last year, over 15 in-person and virtual events were hosted across the province.

Are you interested in implementing these BMPs on your farm? Now’s the time - BCCAF is accepting applications this summer. Delta farmers can find information about eligibility criteria and how to apply on the BCCAF website as well as upcoming events and resources: