Delta, as you might've gathered from our recent list of interesting local tidbits, has a deep and storied history. What we left out of that list is the Delta Optimist has been around for most it – and we have the pictures the photos to prove it.
Below are a series of photographs taken way back in the past, contrasted with photos from today (taken by photographer Kevin Hill). Most of these areas have changed significantly over the decades, though vestiges of the past still remain. Roads established a century ago are main arteries today. Gas stations then are gas stations, albeit different ones, today.
Check them out below.
THEN: The Delta Hotel, 1923
This 1923 photo shows the burning of the Delta Hotel on Chisholm Street. The Lanning, Fawcett and Wilson store, now housing Massey Marine Supply, can be seen in the background.
THEN: Westham Island Bridge, 1909
This photo shows Ladner's Westham Island Bridge under contruction.
THEN: 56th St., 1945
One of Tsawwassen's busiest shopping areas today looked a lot different in 1945. Pictured is the Penner House and Coffee Bar. The Skinner gas station is seen on the right next to the corner where the road turned east toward the bay, now 12th Avenue.
THEN: Westham St., Ladner, 1953
The photo shows various businesses on Westham St. (now called 48th Ave.) including Ferguson Motors, the theatre building, Oliver's Hardware, Sweet Shop and United Church.
THEN: 56th St. and 12th Ave., 1950
A picture of the Skinner gas station on the northeast corner of 56th Street and 12th Avenue.
THEN: Westham St., 1930
Ladner's Chinatown can be seen with buildings identified, from left to right, Sing Lee Merchants, Ladner Café, unidentified buildings located on the dike and Maeda's Barbershop.
THEN: En route to Boundary Bay, 1913
Passengers park their vehicle on the side of the road, heading to Boundary Bay. The road is probably Boundary Bay Road.
THEN: Paterson Park, 1953
The entrance to Paterson Park via Ladner Trunk Road. The entrance is framed by high posts and a cross sign announcing the Delta Agricultural Society.
THEN: Chisolm St., 1920
This picture taken around 1920 shows automobiles on the corner of Delta and Chisholm streets, pedestrians on a plank sidewalk and waiting at the ferry dock.
THEN: 56th St., 1920
This article was published in a different form in 2011.