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Kim Mooney presented with Peacebuilder Award

The Rotary Club selects an individual or a group/organization which demonstrates the concept of cultivating a concept of peace by incorporating the ideals of peace
Rotary Peacebuilder Award recipient Kim Mooney with Rotarians Garry Shearer, Tom Smith and president Joan Hansen. Tsawwassen Rotary Club Photo

International Peace Day was held on Sept. 21 around the globe and this years’ theme for the event was Cultivating a Culture of Peace.

This years’ recipient of the Rotary Peacebuilder Award was Kim Mooney, a volunteer with the board of Heron Hospice Society for her work in aiding residents of Delta and Tsawwassen First Nation through the grief process by Cultivating a Culture of Peace.

At the Harold and Veronica Savage Centre for Supportive Care, Mooney assists those who are transitioning through the end-of-life journey to a peaceful end. She assists those who are grieving loss to find a peaceful way through this life altering transition and arrive on the other side with a renewed spirit.

She is also a successful fundraiser, organizing the inaugural Hike 4 Hospice event held at Paterson Park on Mothers Day.

She has also authored her first book In An Instant: Stories of Resilience and Courage.

In addition to all of this, she oversees a lending library at the Supportive Care Centre.

Members of the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen, representatives from Tsawwassen First Nation and local dignitaries joined together at the Rotary Square Peace Pole at the Town Centre Mall to recognize and honour Mooney for this years Peacebuilder Award.

The Rotary Club selects an individual or a group/organization which demonstrates the concept of cultivating a concept of peace by incorporating the ideals of peace. These include resolution of conflict, respect for culture, reconciliation and the rejection of violence.

She was awarded her certificate by Rotarian Garry Shearer who detailed her volunteer highlights and Rotary president Joan Hansen presented her with her certificate while family and board members looked on.