This week, Led Bright started his journey around B.C. and Western Canada, promoting his first book Led Bright's Mission to Save the Planet - The Light Bulb Games and he is taking the author David Clark-Wilson with him to sign the books and distribute LED light bulbs.
The official book launch is started at the Vancouver Public Library on Monday, and then Led began his travels through the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and into the Interior. Later in the year Led Bright will visit Alberta and Saskatchewan and then travel on to Whitehorse in the Yukon.
Led Bright will be stopping mostly at Home Hardware stores along the way and providing books, bulbs and education with demonstrations of different light bulbs.
Led Bright hopes to educate people about the opportunities for technology to reduce energy consumption and using visual demonstration to prove his point.
"I can produce the same amount of light for 10 per cent of the energy and cost," says Led Bright, brightly. "By reducing energy needs by 90 per cent it's got to be a good
Led Bright and Clark-Wilson will be at Home Hardware Building Centre in Tsawwassen on Sunday, Sept. 22 from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Part proceeds from book and light bulb sales will be donated to non-profit organizations in the energy education sector - if you would like to be involved call 604-771-9051 or email [email protected].