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Father knows best

My dad is turning the big 6-0 this coming Sunday. I have started to notice how much he has changed over the years. I look at his grey hair and wonder how much of it I caused.

My dad is turning the big 6-0 this coming Sunday. I have started to notice how much he has changed over the years. I look at his grey hair and wonder how much of it I caused. I know it is hard to believe I could cause stress to anyone, but I, too, was once a headstrong and stubborn teenager.

My dad would attempt to impart his wisdom on me. At first he knew everything, but then as I began to age and know everything, he seemed to know far less. It's odd how that happens.

In all of my teenage years, he would try to share his wisdom but I "knew" better and would go off and make countless mistakes. When I returned, he would simply help me

pick up the broken pieces. I knew right and wrong, he had taught me, yet I did my own thing.

My dad's actions remind me of God's. God has given us the Bible. In it are things that we should and should not do, yet I still find myself breaking them. Thankfully, in the Bible there is not just a bunch of rules, or commandments, I have to follow, but there is this wonderful thing called forgiveness. God helps me pick up the pieces and says to me, I love you son, you're still my child, I forgive you.

Happy 60th birthday, Dad!