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Minister's Minute: Delivering good news

You never know whose heart my skip a bit when they hear your story. So go be beautiful!
Religion good news

In last Thursday’s provincial COVID-19 update Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry passed along such good news as it made my heart skip a beat.

She projected we will be into post-pandemic life by this summer. Wow!

We keep saying that it will surely come soon, but when an authority figure like her says it, then it seems doubly good.

It reminded me of the prophet Isaiah. He was not the Provincial health officer like Dr. Henry, but he was the Chief Spiritual Officer. He regularly delivered bad news and called people to change their behavior, but it wasn’t a COVID-19 virus they were battling, it was the SIN virus: more viral and even more deadly. So I am sure that he was thrilled when he had a vision to share that was pure joy.

In Isaiah 52:7 we have the record of his statement: “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news.”

He saw God sending someone over the mountain and envisioned the people looking up and watching him come; good news in hand.

That vision was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus. Carrying the vaccine that would eradicate the virus. John the Baptist saw him approaching and yelled to his audience, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

Those who receive this good news find freedom. The sting of death is gone and way to eternity is made open. Good news indeed!

The vision is further fulfilled in those who continue to deliver the good news. If you have received joy in Christ then don’t be stingy and selfish: let others know. I’m sure someone near you could use a little good news right about now. It isn’t about standing on street corners and preaching doom and gloom either. It is about letting realities of how the good news has changed you become known to others.

You never know whose heart my skip a bit when they hear your story. So go be beautiful!