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I'm listening

Normally I write these words as a preacher with something God inspired to say. This day I write as a listener hoping to hear your honest insights.

Normally I write these words as a preacher with something God inspired to say. This day I write as a listener hoping to hear your honest insights.

I invited Ladner United Church folks to spend the last month engaging people with no faith community in conversation centered around a couple of questions: what do you see/ experience of Jesus in Ladner United Church and what would you need to find in a faith community that would inspire you to want to join it?

To aid in that discussion I suggested they invite someone to a church happening and ask what they experienced. The key guideline to these conversations was to listen without needing to defend "church" or make excuses. Simply listen and bring back the "forensic spiritual information" (FSI) to worship this Sunday.

I asked this not because of any sense of shame in what we do or because I believe we are failing.

There is no hidden agenda around more people in the pews or money on the plate.

Partly we are restarting our building renovation plans after a failed discussion with a potential partner and it is a good time to listen.

Largely it is because growth comes only through risk, vulnerability, dialogue and honest feedback. Jesus both knew and modeled that, asking his disciples, "Who do you say I am?"

I would be honoured to hear your responses to those questions. As Fraser Crane says in Seattle: "I'm listening." As always, I can be reached at [email protected].