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May Days in need of help for annual festival

Volunteers are required for parade as well as activities in the park

Wanted: 65 community minded souls to help bring big-time fun to a small town fair.

"We are extremely proud of the fact that every year, it's people in this community who give so generously of their time and talents to ensure Ladner May Days is a well-run and enjoyable experience for everyone," says Jackey Zellweger, who co-chairs the Ladner May Days committee with Sarah Gallop.

The committee is seeking volunteers once again for this year's event, set for May 25 to 27 at Memorial Park. Twenty-nine volunteers alone are required to manage traffic and parking, and another 35 are required for events and activities in the park.

Volunteer tasks include setting up the stage, assisting crafters in unloading their vehicles, changing sponsor signs and helping at the petting zoo. People can volunteer for as little or as long as they desire, says Zellweger, and there are even opportunities for youth to get involved; there is always a large number of energetic volunteers from Delta Secondary.

"We welcome volunteers who are 12 years and older," says Zellweger. "In the younger set, volunteering seems to give them a sense of accomplishment, which is really great to see."

May Days volunteer coordinator Valerie Bartlett says the DSS contingent is a prime example of youthful exuberance. She says they arrive at the park excited for the day, and work tirelessly at whatever they are assigned.

"They particularly love working at the petting zoo and the cupcake decorating table. It's a positive experience for them and we think it's a testament to their community spirit that they give up their weekend this way," says Bartlett.

The festivities begin on Friday evening with discounted midway rides for kids. Saturday is filled with a broad range of top-notch family entertainers and many free activities and entertainment for children.

Sunday activities kick off with a pancake breakfast followed at noon by the parade, featuring the May Queen float.

Anyone wishing to volunteer at this year's May Days should email [email protected]. For more information, visit or follow May Days on Twitter @LadnerMayDays.