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Gracie Barra Delta trains everyday champions

Gracie Barra Delta believes that family is everything and their martial arts programs reflect that. As a student, you're part of the Gracie Barra family and instructors are dedicated to ensuring an exemplary experience.
gracie barra
Gracie Barra Delta owner/instructor Marcello Mendes (top) trains with instructor Marcio Antony.

Gracie Barra Delta believes that family is everything and their martial arts programs reflect that.

As a student, you're part of the Gracie Barra family and instructors are dedicated to ensuring an exemplary experience.

"Our inclusive environment is a great place for children to learn about keeping themselves safe - both physically and emotionally," said owner and instructor Marcello Mendes.

"We train bodies and minds, and you'll notice an increase to your physical as well as your cognitive fitness. Our classes will improve your overall strength, confidence and focus, and you'll set out to accomplish great things."

Gracie Barra Delta classes are aligned with the Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program structure developed by Master Carlos Gracie Jr. to meet specific learning needs for people of different ages, gender and levels.

Gracie Barra Delta opened at the end of January.

"We are so excited to be here," adds Mendes. "Our job is to be a part of the community. We want to build character in our students, teach them to defend themselves the right way. Our facility has classes for all ages and abilities with a goal-oriented environment that provides both a challenging and inspirational training experience."

Gracie Barra Delta is at 4857 Elliott St. Find out more about classes by calling 604-783-8152 or visit