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A Delta police message about 'Hell Night'

The DPD is asking students who plan to gather next week to prioritize safety and demonstrate respect for their community
In 2022, police responded to hundreds of youth gathering South Delta Secondary and Dennison Park during Hell Night where a fireworks fight resulted in several injuries.

The Delta Police Department (DPD) is asking that students returning to class next week and planning to participate in the annual “Hell Night” show respect for their community.

A tradition which has usually resulted in property damage, students in Ladner and Tsawwassen for many years have gathered to hang out late night after the first day of school, with many drinking and some resorting to vandalism.

One of the more unfortunate aspects is that many parents are reportedly fully aware of what takes place as they also participated in the disturbances when they were returning high school students.

Many have called for an end to the tradition.

In a Facebook post on Friday, the DPD noted that while young people reconnecting with their peers can be a time of fun and camaraderie, it is crucial to approach the return to class with respect and consideration for the community.

To ensure gatherings are safe and enjoyable, the DPD once again has a series of reminders including students respecting their neighbours by keeping the noise level down and avoiding property damage, and that unlawful assembly and disruptive behavior can lead to serious consequences.

Students should also keep in mind safety as well as their schools’ code of conduct.

The DPD will have an increased presence next Tuesday night to monitor gatherings.