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Add these prohibited areas for Delta campaign signs

There’s going to be a few changes where campaign signs will not be allowed for the upcoming municipal election.
delta election signs
More spots will be off limits to the usual clutter of election signs.

There’s going to be a few changes where campaign signs will not be allowed for the upcoming municipal election.

Recommendations endorsed by council will see Delta’s sign bylaw, which prohibits the placement of political signs on certain medians and boulevards due to safety issues as well as damage to landscaping, extended to additional areas.

Places like the Scott Road medians between Highway 10 and 96 Avenue and Ladner Trunk Road between Highway 17A and 57 Street, among others, are already on the prohibited list.

Now on the list of prohibited spots are Ladner Trunk medians between Highway 17A and 62 Street, grassed areas at Ladner Trunk Road and Highway 17A adjacent to the concrete fence, Harvest Drive medians from 57 Street to Ladner Trunk Road, traffic circles and roundabouts located on 80 Street, Delsom Crescent, 116 Street, Ferry Road, Admiral Boulevard and Westminster Avenue, as well as grassed boulevards on 56 Street immediately south of Highway 17.

Candidates in the election will be provided with both municipal and provincial regulations regarding political signs.

A long-standing rule is that signs can’t be displayed prior to 30 days before the election date and seven days following the conclusion.

The bylaw was last amended in 2005.


campaign signs