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BIA looking for Queen of Tsawwassen

Business group, which is hosting party this summer to celebrate Diamond Jubilee, requires a royal look-alike

The Tsawwassen Business Improvement Association (BIA), organizer of the Tsawwassen Outdoor Movie Nights, is planning something special this summer.

On the evening of the second movie night, set for Saturday, Aug. 11 at Diefenbaker Park, the BIA will host the Tsawwassen Queen's Diamond Jubilee Party to celebrate Her Majesty's accession to the throne 60 years ago.

"We were very lucky to be the recipients of a federal grant to organize this party," explained BIA executive director Ana Arciniega.

The event will include live stage performances featuring Celtic group Doghouse, Clarion Highland Dancers, the Vancouver Morris Men, juggler Matt Levy, representatives from the Delta Police Pipe Band and many games and activities. Plus, the Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions Club will be offering a special menu of fish and chips.

During the month of April the BIA is adding one more element to the mix by organizing a photo contest, accepting submissions as it searches for "The Tsawwassen Queen."

Interested people should email or post their close-up photo as Queen Elizabeth's look-alike at any age from her 60-year reign. Final day to submit a photo is April 30.

The chosen "Queen" must agree to the following:

. Should be available on Saturday, Aug. 11 from 5 to 8: 30 p.m.

. She must have perfected the "wave" and be comfortable with a corgi (if one is found available).

. She must wear a crown and sash (provided by the BIA) and be willing to arrive at the event on a vintage 1929 convertible car preceded by bagpipers (vehicle provided).

. She must be comfortable posing for photos with her "subjects" during the event.

. She must be willing to be part of the promotional campaign of the event.

. And, most importantly, she must be willing to work for a "cuppa and a scone."

"As far as we can tell, this is the only Jubilee party planned for Delta this summer so we are hoping many people will come and participate in this unique event," added Arciniega.

The BIA is also looking for two local youths (up to 19 years of age) to sing God Save the Queen and O Canada at the event. If anyone is interested in auditioning, they are requested to send an electronic sample recording by email with their age and contact information. Deadline is April 30.

All details are posted on the BIA website at www.

Email photos and audition recording to biaoffice@shoptsawwassen. com or post on Facebook at Tsawwassen Business Improvement Association.