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Delta bans pigeon racing

An online petition to ban pigeon racing in Delta had over 1,000 signatures
delta pigeon racing-pixabay
City staff note there had been an influx this year of non-resident pigeon owners racing their birds in Delta, likely due to bylaws banning the activity elsewhere.

Pigeon racing is now banned in Delta.

Council recently gave final approval to an amendment to the city’s animal control bylaw to prohibit the racing of the birds.

The bylaw allows property owners and lessees to keep and exercise birds on and from their own property, but prohibits pigeon owners from allowing their birds to perch, roost, nest or stray on public and/or private property not belonging to the owner.

A Delta report notes that in 2020 staff had documented several unsanctioned pigeon racing events resulting in 31 abandoned pigeons being turned into the Delta Community Animal Shelter.

The majority of the birds were found to be suffering from various illnesses, including lice infections.

The fine for pigeon offences is $200.

Other Metro Vancouver jurisdictions including Richmond and Surrey have also enacted bylaws.

Pigeon racing remains a popular sport that’s also seeing growing interest in other parts of the world.

That was highlighted at an auction last month where a racing Belgium-bred pigeon named “New Kim” sold for a record US$1.9 million.