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Delta Halloween patrols at the ready

The Corporation of Delta is once again teaming up with CUPE Local 454 to protect municipal facilities and parks through the Halloween Patrol. The volunteer patrols will be out tonight starting at around 6:30 p.m.

The Corporation of Delta is once again teaming up with CUPE Local 454 to protect municipal facilities and parks through the Halloween Patrol.

The volunteer patrols will be out tonight starting at around 6:30 p.m.

Parks and recreation director Ken Kuntz told Delta council last Monday that it's a co-ordinated effort involving the police and fire departments, municipal hall and members of the civic employees union.

A lead at the engineering department makes sure there's an operational plan in place each night and supervises a couple of captains - one in North Delta and the other in South Delta - who oversee a number of teams in municipal vehicles.

All team members, who will wear clothing indicating they're working for Delta, are to observe and report any trouble or suspicious activity.

The police department, meanwhile, will be doing its own increased patrols during the weekend, as will the fire department.

In addition, the lights on all playing fields will be left on overnight tonight and were throughout the weekend. The initiative has proved successful in deterring vandalism since it was implemented three years ago.

At some select locations, additional security has been hired, noted Kuntz.

CUPE Local 454 president Darryl Robison said the Halloween Patrol, initiated by a CUPE member, has been around since the 1990s and integrates well with the City Watch program.

"Our members, most of them live in the community and work in the community and have a vested interest in making sure that our community is a safe one... They can help keep vandalism down and make sure it's a safe environment the weekend before Halloween night," he said.

Meanwhile, Delta has a fireworks bylaw that requires those wanting to use fireworks to have a permit, said Kuntz. Fireworks can only be used on private property and supervised by an adult.

Anyone who sees suspicious activity is asked to call Delta police at 604-946-4411.