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Delta mayoral candidates face off

The four mayoral candidates in this month's civic election squared off for the first time Tuesday night in Ladner.

The four mayoral candidates in this month's civic election squared off for the first time Tuesday night in Ladner.

The forum at Genesis Theatre saw longtime incumbent Lois Jackson defend her record against former councillor Krista Engelland, who's taking a second run at the mayor's job, as well as current council member Heather King and South Delta resident John Meech.

A reoccurring theme from the three challengers was a need for change to someone who will listen at municipal hall.

"Delta deserves a clear vision, strong leadership, transparent government and meaningful citizen involvement," Engelland told the crowd.

Promising to streamline red tape, provide better access to information for residents, keep a tight rein on spending and start community neighbourhood renewal plans, Engelland reiterated throughout the debate the current council is ignoring opposition to developments that are not in keeping with the form and character of neighbourhoods.

Jackson focused on Delta's debt, which had reached $60 million before she took over a dozen years ago, but said thanks to strong financial management and a pay-as-you-go policy for new projects, the debt will be eliminated in a few years. She urged voters to stay the "right track of lower taxes, safe streets, and top notch recreational and sporting opportunities for youth and seniors."

Saying she will ask residents for their opinions where their taxes should be spent, King, a former school board chair, outlined her platform that includes, among other planks, a refreshed housing stock for North Delta and a revitalized Scott Road.

"Public trust needs to also be restored in local government and I will work on this as well, to ensure that local government and the trust will be at an all-time high. You would see city hall make sound decisions that demonstrates an authentic desire to include you in the decision making process," she said.

Meech said large-scale projects have come Delta's way with council either defiant or silent, neither approach having worked for the citizens of Delta, he said.

"I believe in pro-active planning for change rather than resisting or protesting," he said.

When asked if they'd work with the school district to build better recreational facilities, the proposal by some Delta Secondary parents for a turf field to be located at the high school, rather than at Dugald Morrison Park, quickly came up.

Jackson said the DSS proposal would be discussed at the parks, recreational and culture commission. Noting Delta has been paying for school crossing guards for the last decade, she also noted council and the school board have a liaison committee to discuss issues and ideas.

King, pointing out the school district faces a serious decline in enrollment, said the two sides need to look at amalgamating services.

Meech said he supports ideas that will bring more children to Delta and the school district.

It was no surprise the Southlands question was raised early on. Jackson noted the Century Group proposal is about to undergo a lengthy legal process in which the community will have a say. She said it's important to keep an open mind on the issue.

King said the process should look at the public survey conducted during the area plan process as well as Delta's agricultural plan and traffic studies.

Meech described the never-ending Southlands debate as "kicking the can down the road," suggesting the issue needs to be resolved. A member of Century's Southlands Community Planning Team that helped devise a 1,900-unit proposal, Meech also had concerns about the latest 950-unit plan that will see only 20 per cent of the site developed, wondering whether that was sufficient to help fund improvements to the 80 per cent that would be handed over to Delta.

Engelland made it clear she doesn't support changing the agricultural designation for the contentious piece of Tsawwassen real estate.

As far as infill developments, King said she'd like to see more public meetings where residents can say what kind of neighbourhoods they want. Meech agreed to an extent, saying a "bottom-up" process was needed. He also said Jackson talked about renewal in North Delta in 2001 but let the community down.

Engelland said the current process isn't working and that neighbourhoods are being "picked apart."

Jackson said there's a public hearing when someone wants to tear down an old house to build two new ones and that the majority of those attending most of those meetings are happy to see the change. Noting North Delta is undergoing an area plan review, Jackson also pointed out there were hundreds of grow-ops in North Delta when she took over in 1999.

Some of the other questions raised included the possibility of waste-to-energy plants being built in the Lower Mainland. None of the candidates approve of one being located here, although Meech noted the Tsawwassen First Nation could end up with one. Jackson, who chairs Metro Vancouver, said it would still need regional district approval.

Other questions ranged from congestion at the George Massey Tunnel and needed transit improvements to whether the unsightly premises bylaw is strong enough.

On the question of port expansion, only Meech offered any support, saying Delta has a role to play.

The municipal election will be held Nov. 19.