Let’s take another step back in time to pre-1959, before the new Deas Island Tunnel opened to vehicular traffic.
This photo shows they last sternwheeler to operate on the ferry run between Woodward’s Landing in Richmond and Ladner Harbour, a ship called the Beaver.
The Delta landing was located where Massey’s marine business would later operate.
Ladner’s ferry service began 1913.
Originally running from Ladner to Steveston, the ferry was the result of community petitions and negotiation with the provincial government.
By 1931, the demand for crossing had reportedly reached the point that more conventionally-sized river ferries took over the route.
In early 1927, a bill was passed by the provincial government establishing the Fraser River Bridge Co. to build a bridge from Ladner to Richmond, but that project was killed.
It wasn’t until May 1959 that the tunnel opened, later called the George Massey Tunnel, which resulted in the long-running ferry service immediately being terminated.