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Delta throwback: Tough finding a place to rent

Places for rent in Delta were taken quickly, even back in the early 1900s
The article stated, 'A death of rentable houses is noticeable in town right now.'

Let’s take a step way back in time to 1903 and check out an article in the Sept. 12. edition of the Delta Times, when news brief highlighted how it was tough to find an affordable home to rent.

Headlined “Houses Scarce”, the article noted the lack of affordable housing had been a noticeable problem for Ladner.

“A death of rentable houses is noticeable in town right now. It is almost an impossibility for a person to get a suitable house as there are those who have been seeking suitable places for some time and who take the first opportunity of moving. A house is not even vacant before people are anxiously inquiring in order to be the first in the field, hence rents are abnormally high,” the article reads.

“There is ample room in the neighborhood of Marshall Smith’s store to erect several convenient houses, which undoubtedly would immediately be occupied. It is not from a lack of capital as the land owners in this district do not suffer from penury. Therefor it must surely be a lack of enterprise or a spirit of “I am all right, Dick, who cares about you.”