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More traffic safety measures coming says city

Implementing a road severance had been deemed unwarranted based on historical traffic and crash data
The engineering department says there are still opportunities for enhancing road safety along 10A Avenue in accordance with Vision Zero principles. City of Delta report

The City of Delta will undertake a series of additional traffic calming measures along 10A Avenue in Tsawwassen.

A resident from the avenue two years ago submitted a petition, representing households located between 53A and 50B streets, conveying concerns about excessive traffic speed and volumes.

The petition requested a road severance and traffic calming measures such as speed humps to divert traffic.

The avenue had already undergone enhancements in 2017 through a neighbourhood road improvement project, which included road paving, curb extensions, curb and gutter, drainage improvements, new concrete sidewalk and ornamental street lighting. That project cost approximately $2.5 million.

A staff report notes that speeds and traffic volumes along 10A Avenue were measured, and the data indicated that speeds were generally at or below the posted speed limit of 50 km/h. Traffic volumes have varied and are reflective of changes noted during the pandemic.

A review of historical crash data from 2016 to 2020 was also conducted. Those findings indicated that there were five recorded crashes, according to ICBC claim data, and none were attributed to speeding, the report notes.

The Transportation Technical Committee discussed the request for more traffic calming last year and it was determined, according to Delta’s Traffic Calming Policy, implementing the measures on 10A Avenue was unwarranted based on historical traffic and crash data.

Staff subsequently met with the petition writer on-site and deployed a speed reader board on 10A Avenue on a rotating basis for driver education.

The issue was again considered by the engineering department as well as the new Transportation Advisory Committee, following the petition writer in December 2022 meeting with the mayor, city manager and staff, presenting a request to install bollards along 10A Avenue at two locations.

The report notes staff reviewed the request and did not support the proposal as it would result in increased emergency response times and that a more restrictive road network would be less able to support additional development and housing.

However, staff acknowledge the concerns raised by area residents and have identified several opportunities for enhancing road safety along the avenue, in accordance with Vision Zero principles.

The enhancements include the installation of delineator posts and painted medians, which are intended to further narrow the roadway resulting in reduced speeds, as well as conversion of the existing marked pedestrian crosswalk to a raised crosswalk that will serve to improve pedestrian visibility and lower speeds.

Also including speed reader boards, the project is anticipated to cost around $30,000.