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Fire chief recognized for service

Mayor presents Dan Copeland with 30-year pin during ceremony at this week's Delta council meeting
Delta Fire Chief Dan Copeland (centre) was surprised when his family showed up for a special recognition presentation at Monday’s Delta council meeting in North Delta. Copeland, who became chief in 2007, has been a member of the Delta Fire Department since 1982.

Delta council gave Delta Fire Chief Dan Copeland special recognition this week for his many years of service to the department.

At Monday's meeting in North Delta, Mayor Lois Jackson presented the chief with a 30-year pin. Adding to his surprise, his family filed into the meeting to get the special presentation started.

"Over the past six years, Chief Copeland has shown great leadership. He has dedicated his entire career to serving the Delta community and is highly respected as a leader and a mentor in his field," Jackson read from her prepared speech.

Copeland, a member of the Delta Fire Department since 1982, became chief in 2007.

Shortly after becoming chief a large, complex fire broke out in Burns Bog, during which time he displayed the actions of a true leader, Jackson said.

Calling him a dynamic leader who could challenge firefighter norms and inspire Delta's 170 firefighters to achieve their personal best, the mayor described Copeland as a visionary who helped enhance fire services.

Saying Copeland has aligned Delta's emergency response capabilities with the community's needs, the mayor noted Delta is home to the largest container port in Canada and significant industrial areas in Tilbury and Annacis Island. The

chief has overseen the establishment of a dedicated HAZMAT team with state-of-the-art equipment, eliminating Delta's reliance on neighnouring emergency services when dealing with hazardous materials incidents.

Copeland has also spearheaded a number of other initiatives, including training firefighters to provide a higher level of medical care for patients in life-threatening emergencies. He's also involved in health and wellness programs and has expanded training opportunities.

Delta also hired its first female officer under Copeland's watch.

Jackson said Copeland works tirelessly at community events, supporting various fundraising efforts.

A father of three and grandfather of four, Copeland is a longtime Delta resident who comes from along line of firefighters. Since 1917, 14 family members have served as firefighters. His son Jason is a firefighter in Burnaby.