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First of improvements coming to Delta's Pebble Hill Park

The City of Delta requires that the path work be completed by Dec. 1, 2022
pebble hill park path project
The path runs through the middle of Pebble Hill Park.

The City of Delta is going to replace the pathway that runs through the middle of Pebble Hill Park in Tsawwassen.

The city has issued a request for proposals for a contractor to remove and dispose the existing asphalt, remove and dispose existing vegetation along Milsom Wynd, as well as construct a new paved path.

It's part of a bigger package of improvements planned for the park, including building a new off-leash dog enclosure.

The Pebble Hill Park off-leash dog area was established in 2010 and is within a BC Hydro right-of-way. The existing off-leash area is not fenced and relies on signage and natural boundaries to provide guidance for dog owners to stay within the designated area.

The city began looking at creating an off-leash enclosure back in 2019.

Last year, residents got to provide feedback on a proposed enclosure and associated park changes.

The planning department notes it carefully reviewed the feedback and revised the plan. The city then undertook another round of community consultation earlier this year, and a final plan is expected to be brought to council later this year for consideration.

In response to recent letters from residents demanding an overall neighbourhood plan prior to any changes to the park, a response memo from staff noted that the planning for improvements to the off-leash dog area have been on-going for some time and city staff don’t believe it’s necessary to pause now to develop a bigger neighbourhood plan.