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Fraser Health encouraging the public to get a flu shot

Several severe cases of the H1N1 strain in region

Fraser Health's chief medical health officer, Dr. Paul Van Buynder, is advising anyone who has not already had their flu shot to do so in light of increased influenza cases across the health region.

Over the last two weeks Fraser Health has seen several severe cases of the H1N1 strain that mirrors the pattern seen in Alberta, Ontario and Texas recently.

There are currently over a dozen ventilated patients with the H1N1 disease in intensive care units across the health region. These patients are not the very elderly but are adults across the age spectrum, some in their early 30s. There are also patients who are pregnant, and others who suffer from chronic illnesses.

"We are seeing small pockets of very severe disease," says Van Buynder. "The care available to patients through the support of our intensive care staff is exceptional and I am expecting all those presently on ventilators to eventually recover.

"If you received the 2013 influenza vaccine, you are immunized against the H1N1 strain currently circulating in our community. We are urging those who have not already had their flu shot to get one. It is not too late."

Beginning last month, the provincial influenza control policy came into effect. In addition to health care workers, anyone visiting someone in a health care facility will be expected to have been vaccinated or wear a mask to help protect those most vulnerable this influenza season.

Flu shots are offered free of charge in B.C. to a number of individuals, including children, seniors, pregnant women, Aboriginal people, individuals with chronic health conditions, and those who work or come in close contact with higher-risk groups.

For more information on vaccination clinics, go to