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Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the time of year when many gather around family, food and share the many blessings in their lives.

Thanksgiving is the time of year when many gather around family, food and share the many blessings in their lives. Although there are many different traditions that surround this holiday, they all revolve around us being thankful for the good things in our lives.

Some of these blessings are having good health, being surrounded by friends and family that we care about, having a job, food on our tables, and some may even be thankful that it means an extra day off from work or school.

Whatever, we are thankful for when we sit around the table and think about our blessings, it is unbelievable how much we have to be thankful for.

During this time the hymn "Amazing Grace" often comes to mind. The part that often comes to mind is, "that saved a wretch like me." We have so many things that we are blessed with that we often forget the greatest blessing of all. That blessing is the gift of eternal life in heaven with our Lord and Saviour.

This gift is open to all people and is very simple to have. John 3: 16 puts it clearly: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

An eternal life without worrying or suffering, and it's free! Now this is truly something to be thankful about. Happy Thanksgiving.