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Here's the proposed changes for filming in Ladner

City council on Monday will consider changes to TV and movie filming regulations in Ladner.
ladner filming johnny depp
Actor Johnny Depp was in Ladner a couple of years ago to film his comedy-drama Richard Says Goodbye.

City council on Monday will consider changes to TV and movie filming regulations in Ladner.

A few weeks ago civic staff held a public information meeting with the Ladner community, Creative BC, Delta Chamber of Commerce and local film production companies to hear concerns and share ideas.

A staff report notes the community feedback presented a balanced view on filming, illustrating both the challenges and successes over the past year.

“Although, most film productions worked well with the community, there were very clear challenges experienced this past year with certain productions. Business owners and residents in Ladner expressed the following concerns: compensation negotiations with film companies; frequency of film productions; loss of on-street parking; polling practices; adherence to production schedules; agricultural community issues; and North 40 community park concerns.”


The recommendations to council from staff include:

* There be a minimum of seven days between filming and/or special events in Ladner Village and the North 40 Park Reserve.

* The City of Delta contract an independent film liaison officer with funding provided by the film productions.

* Filming be restricted in agricultural areas during planting and harvesting seasons if road access is restricted during daytime hours.

* Noise variances for filming in residential areas only be granted in cases that achieve the support of all immediate neighbours.

* Staff develop a policy that limits the issuance of filming permits to productions that have continued ongoing concerns.

* Bylaw staff become more involved in the monitoring of productions to ensure compliance with filming permits.


The report also notes the film industry is a significant economic generator and employer for the community.

In 2018, approximately 1,146 Delta residents were employed by the B.C. Film Industry, earning nearly $34 million in wages. Of these, approximately 305 reside in Ladner, totaling nearly $9 million in wages.