Have you wondered about the history and heritage of Ladner Village?
If so now is your chance to learn more about Ladner as you step back into the past with Ladner Heritage Walks.
Uncover the hidden gems of Delta's history and culture as you stroll through downtown Ladner with an expert guide from the Delta Heritage Society.
From local heritage monuments to the beauty of nature and the diverse communities that shaped Delta, you'll be captivated by the stories behind every landmark.
The walk begins and ends at 4953 Chisholm Street
Mark your calendars for July 30, Aug. 13, and Aug. 27, and embark on an exciting journey of discovery of Historic Ladner Village.
You can also join an experienced Discovery Centre guide on a heritage walk and learn about the rich history of the Vancouver Wireless Station (North 40 park reserve) on Aug. 12 or Aug. 26.
For free registration, meeting times, and location, go to this link.