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Ladner Legion recognized by Variety with Angel Award

The Ladner Legion was honoured with an Angel Award from Variety - The Children's Charity at the 43rd annual Heart Awards Dinner last month at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond.

The Ladner Legion was honoured with an Angel Award from Variety - The Children's Charity at the 43rd annual Heart Awards Dinner last month at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond. The award goes to a person or group that has been a major benefactor to Variety and its work with children with special needs. The Ladner Legion has been fundraising for Variety for more than 20 years, donating over $50,000 during that time. In addition, the Legion's Ladies Auxiliary has also been fundraising for about 10 years and has donated approximately $10,000. Dave McConachie (left) presented the award to Legion members (from left) Bob Taggart, George Koka, Harold Howe, Diane Downes and Bill Harper.