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Ladner women receive recognition from theatre community

Two Ladnerites were recognized for their contributions to the theatre community recently.

Two Ladnerites were recognized for their contributions to the theatre community recently.

Pam Johnson received the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance Career Achievement Award at the 30th annual Jessie Richardson Awards last month while Gwen Crowe was recognized for her 50 years with Theatre B.C. at the organization's Mainstage Awards in Kamloops earlier this month.

They are both Chesapeake Landing residents.

Crowe said it was wonderful to be recognized.

"It was a real thrill," she said.

Having worked with many different groups (including the United Players and Metro Theatre) around the Lower Mainland since coming to Canada from England in 1957, Crowe also received the prestigious Hamber Award in 1991 for her contribution to community theatre.

She's currently involved with Rebel Theatre, a youth theatre group that meets at Tsawwassen United Church.

Johnson has been involved in theatre for 32 years and has worked across Canada.

It was an "amazing honour" to receive the career achievement award, she said.

"It's fantastic."

She worked on many plays at the Vancouver Playhouse, which shut down recently, over the years as its resident designer.

"Every play I do, I learn something new. It's always a great learning experience."

Johnson has always freelanced and is continuing on with that work but seeing the Playhouse close has been "a big loss to the professional theatre community."