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Local group continues awareness efforts to put an end to violence

DOVE committee marking National Day of Remembrance with events

Tuesday marks the anniversary of a violent day in Canadian history and one local group is taking the opportunity over the next few days to spread the word that violence is never the right course of action.

On Dec. 6, 1989, Marc Lepine, 25, walked into a classroom at École Ploytechnique in Montreal and shot 27 female students - 14 died and 13 were wounded - simply because they were women.

Since 1991, the day has been recognized as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and this year the DOVE (Delta Opposes Violence Everywhere) committee is getting out to bring public awareness to the issue of violence against women.

The committee works to end violence in all relationships by bringing public awareness, as well as working to minimize potential gaps or duplications of services within Delta.

On Saturday, committee members will host a display at the Ladner Leisure Centre from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. where materials and support will be available.

On Tuesday, Dec. 6, DOVE will be at Scottsdale Centre in North Delta from 11 .m. until 5 p.m.

The committee will take its message to Delta's youth with displays at four secondary schools between Dec. 6 and 9.

The committee is also continuing with its emergency care kit program, which started in 2009. The kits are designed for women, men and children leaving an abusive relationship.

The nature of abusive relationships often requires those involved to relocate suddenly without notice.

The kits include basic items such as toiletries to help get victims through a critical time.

Donations of supplies for the kits are always welcome.

For more information visit victimservices/dove.php or contact Jill Colley at [email protected].

[email protected]