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Local pilot gets pair of awards

On June 23, Mireille Goyer, a Tsawwassen pilot and founder of the Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week initiative, received the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association's President Award for her dedication for introducing girls and women to flying.

On June 23, Mireille Goyer, a Tsawwassen pilot and founder of the Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week initiative, received the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association's President Award for her dedication for introducing girls and women to flying. The award is presented to the person or persons who made an outstanding contribution to private aviation.

Lesley Page, Canada's Team Leader for Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week, accepted the award on Goyer's behalf at the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association's Annual General Meeting in Hanover, Ontario.

"It is not the eye-catching wing that makes the airplane fly; it is the invisible air flowing about the wing. I accept this award on behalf of all the people who decided that, after more than 100 years of "the door is not closed" attitude, it was time for a different approach and answered my call," said Goyer in her message to COPA's board and members.

The Ninety-Nines Inc., an international women pilots association, is also saluting Goyer's leadership and has announced that she is the recipient of the 2012 Inspiration award. This award is presented to an individual, group, organization or agency whose participation, achievements or activities has had a significant impact on The 99s, the world aviation community, or the art and science of aviation or aerospace.

Susan Parson, President of The Ninety-Nines Inc., will present this award to Goyer on July 26 during the annual Ninety-Nines's breakfast at AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Goyer's initiative, Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week, began in 2011.

Held annually during the week including March 8, which marks the anniversary of the issuance of the first female pilot license worldwide and International Women's Day, Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week aims to foster diversity in aviation by celebrating women's history, raising awareness of aviation's opportunities among girls and women, and shaping the future by introducing girls and women to aviation through industry-wide collaboration.

For more information about the Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week initiative, visit the official website, www.

WomenOfAviationWeek. org.