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Maintaining trust

You cannot trust anyone! A British bank and a pharmaceutical firm are fined billions for dishonesty in business practice. It is routine to believe that everyone including the government is ripping us off.

You cannot trust anyone!

A British bank and a pharmaceutical firm are fined billions for dishonesty in business practice.

It is routine to believe that everyone including the government is ripping us off. Was there ever a time when a person's word and handshake was their bond and could be trusted unconditionally?

When we began to renovate our home, we were disappointed to discover that the contractor's references had not been honest with us about previous work.

Is it true, as some would have us believe that there are no free lunches? That everyone is out for himself or herself with an agenda to vote you off the island. Reality TV has reinforced that.

Do people really go to weddings for the primary purpose of trashing the food, reception, dress and venue?

There is a place in me that refuses to surrender to the spirit of the age.

I refuse to believe that every person who seeks help is taking advantage of someone else's goodness. I refuse to believe that every offer of help is a dodge for someone seeking something for him or herself.

I will continue to believe we can rise beyond selfishness - "me only, me first and me at the expense of others" - to balance self-care with the care and love of others.

It was to such a life that Jesus led the first disciples. He died that we might live - in trust, respect and affection with each other and the whole world.

Jim Short can be reached at [email protected].