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Minister's Minute

Worship for all ages

People are asking! "What's Messy Church?"

The church is buzzing with anticipation and children's music fills the air.

Around a table adults and children burst into laughter as they wrestle with coloured sand and googly eyes and we try once again to bend palms into the shape of a cross.

A toddler slaps green paint on a huge sheet of card under the watchful eye of a Granny (not sure if they're related or not - it doesn't really matter).

A five-year-old watches wide-eyed as an enthusiastic leader shows her how to bang in a nail to the cross.

There's a delicious smell wafting out of the kitchen.

The 10-year-olds, intent on their glass-painting, agree it must be chicken nuggets.

Elizabeth, the priest, takes a photo of the results of "flying gnats" and two mums catch up on the news as they drink welcome cups of tea and slowly decorate gift bags while their children make something unidentifiable but very "messy" in the Narthex.

This is just another Messy Church celebrating "Holy Week".

Messy Church is All Saints' attempt to be church for families who want to meet Jesus, belong to their local church and bring up their children as Christians but can't cope with traditional Sunday morning church services.

It's a once-a-month time of creativity, worship and eating together.

It is an all-age worship with no experience necessary.

That's just another Messy Church as we come to tell our Christian story and gather for fun, fellowship, and feast.