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More changes on the Delta Police Board

The changes by the province to police governance and oversight impacts police boards and municipalities
Dan Boisvert is a former Delta School Board Trustee and is in his first term as a city councillor. Delta Optimist file

Another new face is joining the Delta Police Board.

At their May 15 meeting, City of Delta council member Dan Boisvert was sworn in the be council’s representative on the board.

Mayor George Harvie had stepped down as chair last month following the provincial government announcing changes to the Police Act, including allowing city councils to decide which councillor can sit on a police board.

Municipal police boards can now also choose their own chair and vice-chair.

Previously, a mayor automatically became the chair of a local police board when elected.

Harvie, who was part of the UBCM Police Act review, has said he always spoke against the requirement for mayors to chair police boards in their cities.

The province noted that the changes to the Police Act address recommendations from the 2022 Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act and from the 2019 Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process, and addresses legislative changes requested by the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner.

The current Delta board also comprises Ian Tait, who is chair, Sharan Oberoi, Warren Dean Flandez, Tsawassen First Nation Chief Laura Cassidy, Lara Victoria, Annette Garm and Firth Bateman.

Also in regular attendance are members of the police department including Chief Neil Dubord and Deputy Chiefs Michelle Davie and Harj Sidhu.