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MP's remarks recognize Vimy Ridge anniversary

Kerry-Lynne Findlay pays tribute to one particular soldier

Delta-Richmond East MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay made a statement last Thursday in the House of Commons in commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

The text is as follows: "Mr. Speaker, I rise on the solemn occasion of the 95th anniversary of the World War I Battle of Vimy Ridge, a battle that showcased the exemplary valour of our Canadian soldiers.

"I want to particularly commemorate Captain Victor Gordon Tupper of the 16th Battalion. His father was an esteemed lawyer in Vancouver and his grandfather a former prime minister. Gordie's last letter home to his parents and five siblings reads, in part:

"'I am writing one of these in case letters for the third time... If you are reading it now, you will know that your youngest son went under as proud as punch on the most glorious day of his life. I am taking my company over the top for a mile in the biggest push that has ever been launched, and I trust that it is to be the greatest factor toward peace.

"'Think of it - a hundred and fifty officers and men who will follow me to hell if need be.

"'Goodbye dear father and mother, and all of you. Again, I say, I am proud to be where I am now.'

"Captain Tupper died April 9, 1917 at age 21 and is buried with his comrades in Pas-de-Calais, France."