Outdoor heating appliances that were prohibited under Delta’s fire regulation bylaw will now be permitted.
Council this week endorsed a staff recommendation to allow the use of natural gas or propane fuelled outdoor heating appliances such as fire pits, fire tables and fire places.
The fire regulation bylaw until now prohibited the use of those appliances.
While the prohibition was not enforced, it created confusion in the community regarding what is allowed, according to city staff.
Staff noted the bylaw was originally aimed at wood burning appliances and fire pits but natural gas appliances eventually got caught up in the bylaw.
The bylaw amendment also provides the authority for bylaw enforcement officers and police officers to issue tickets and bylaw notices for offences.
The authority to issue tickets and bylaw notices for fire regulation bylaw offences had until now mainly rested with fire and emergency services.
Staff note that created challenges with the timely enforcement of offences, particularly related to the use of fireworks in the community.