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New Delta facility to reduce sewage smell

The province has issued a permit for the installation, operation and maintenance of the proposed facility within its highway right-of-way
The proposed development is a public utility and is consistent with the site’s industrial designation. City of Delta report

The Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District is planning to construct a new air management facility below the Alex Fraser Bridge in Delta.

Council recently endorsed a staff recommendation to permit the construction of a facility that would lower hydrogen sulfide emissions from the South Surrey Interceptor and reduce odours and infrastructure corrosion.

Constructed in the 1970s, and to be twinned, the South Surrey Interceptor is a pipe that conveys sewage from South Surrey, White Rock and Langley to the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, also located in Delta.

The facility will be approximately 34-to-36 feet in height and include two bio-trickling filter vessels, an activated carbon scrubber vessel, a small building for an electrical room and washroom, as well as other associated process equipment and infrastructure.

The property is located under the Highway 91 approach ramp to the bridge.

A staff report notes that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has issued a permit for most of the new infrastructure, which will be located outside of Delta-owned property and is within the ministry’s right-of-way adjacent to the bridge. However, some of the proposed infrastructure would be within Delta’s property and would exceed the height restriction.

The report also notes Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has reviewed the project and provided a Letter of Advice outlining mitigation measures to avoid the death of fish and harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of their habitats.