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New life abounds

It's only a couple of days before "Wiarton Willie," Ontario's famous springtime rodent, peeks his head out of his winter home.

It's only a couple of days before "Wiarton Willie," Ontario's famous springtime rodent, peeks his head out of his winter home.

The legend tells us that if he sees his shadow, he becomes frightened and scurries back for another six weeks of winter weather. If the coast is clear, then spring is surely on its way.

I can already tell you for certain that spring is well on her way. The buds are plumping up from their winter rest and the brave bulbs that lay quietly beneath the surface of the soil now peek their heads above ground. It's a season when we celebrate the new life that is all around us.

However, not everyone sees the emergence of new life. There are friends and neighbours who cannot see life's potentials all around. This, I fear, is becoming more abundant as the pace of life gets more demanding.

I know it's crazy to suggest it, but even Jesus took a rest every now and then. Have you ever noticed that as you read of Jesus' life, following every "miracle" Jesus went off to pray! Jesus said, "I have come so that {you} they may have life in abundance."

I think it's time to peek out our own noses from the grind, take a look around and see the refreshing new life that God promises.

And if you see your shadow, don't worry, the sun will eventually set in the western sky.