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Photo club shares its art with KinVillage residents

Tsaw.-based group donates 14 framed photographs

The Delta Photo Club recently donated 14 framed pictures to KinVillage to hang in the newly painted West Court multi care facility.

"We are very grateful to receive this donation to enhance our facility.

Residents of the care home will enjoy them as will visitors and staff," said director of recreation John Lusted.

The Delta Photo Club meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at KinVillage from September to the end of May.

"Our philosophy is to help KinVillage by donating pictures, and over the last two years we have donated around 25 pictures," said John Ostaf, workshop coordinator and member of the club. "The photos, taken by club members, include many different subjects, flowers, scenes, people, etc."

As the subjects vary, so do the members of the club.

"While we mostly have retired people, often people looking for an interesting hobby, the membership runs from late teens to people in their 80s," Ostaf said.

"The skill levels within the membership of approximately 100 vary from novice to professional and one of our members, Greg Shurmann, is an award-winning professional and he is always willing to help other members with their photography."

Belonging to the club is a learning experience, said Ostaf.

"Once a month we hold a print night when members bring their pictures which are then critiqued by a judge. This helps members improve their techniques and learn from each other.

We also go on outings where members can explore places with different features, colours and mood."

Another facet of learning is the monthly workshops, said Ostaf.

More information about the Delta Photo Club may be obtained by contacting Ostaf at 604-948-2276.