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Refresh your home office

Back to school means back to work for adults and kids alike.
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A home office is a perfect place to have fun with colour, from using multiple hues to creating patterns on the wall.

Back to school means back to work for adults and kids alike. What better time to update your home office or study area to boost not only your decor, but your family's productivity as well?

"Fall is a time of new beginnings, and this season's pick-me-up shades are perfect for infusing new life into work areas - from vibrant reds and blues, to greyish greens, sun-kissed yellows and classic black-and-white combinations," says Geneviève Paiement, brand manager for Sico paint.

"When selecting hues for home offices or study areas, it's important to also take into account the user's personality and the type of work that will be done in the space before committing to a colour scheme," Paiement says, explaining that colour choices may affect both a person's mood and work performance.

For example, if you're seeking stimulation, motivation or creativity, choose warm and cheerful hues such as reds and yellows. If you're easily distracted, she recommends surrounding yourself with soft, muted colours that promote concentration, such as grey-blue, greygreen, pale purple or beachy taupe.

"For those in doubt, stick with green, the most popular and safest choice when it comes to painting a home office," she says.

Paiement offers the following advice to refresh your work space with this season's palette:

Mix it up: A home office or study area is a perfect place to have fun with colour. Try using two or three paint colours to add interest. For smaller areas, stick with different shades of the same hue to infuse character while visually enlarging the space. Use painter's tape to create patterns such as chevrons, stripes or squares on the wall to tie multiple colours together.

Go beyond walls: Reserve vibrant colours for furniture and accessories to create a distinctive look for your work area. The edge of a bulletin board, a filing cabinet, desks or chairs can come to life with a fresh coat of paint.

Maximize space: If your home office space is at a premium, use colour tricks to visually open up the area. Consider painting walls and trim the same colour. Painting built-ins the same hue as the rest of the room will make the shelves appear as if they are floating. Another way to make the room look bigger is by painting the bottom half of the wall in a darker shade than the top half. Match your style: Choose paint colours according to the overall theme of your home office, including furniture. If your desk and accessories are modern, stick with grey tones as well as whites and blacks, and accent the room with bursts of colour. If you prefer an antique or rustic feel, go with the season's popular golden yellows, reds or brown sand tones to preserve their charm.