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Roadblocks going up this weekend in Summer CounterAttack program

Delta police will be out in force this weekend aiming to keep impaired drivers off the road with the annual summer CounterAttack program.

Delta police will be out in force this weekend aiming to keep impaired drivers off the road with the annual summer CounterAttack program.

"The Delta police believe road safety is a priority all year round, not merely a seasonal event," said department spokesperson Const. Ciaran Feenan.

Starting this Friday night and continuing throughout July and August, officers will be setting up roadblocks throughout Delta.

Police recommend preplanning transportation options before heading out to an event - take a taxi, use public transportation, designate a driver or arrange for pick up from a family member or friend.

"When sober, these considerations appear to be common sense however alcohol is known to impair common sense and judgment," Feenan said.

"If you are attending an event where alcohol will be served, make these considerations while you are sober. The life you save just might be your own."

Police also urge drivers to call 911 if they suspect another driver is impaired.

"Safety on our roads in everyone's responsibility," Feenan said. "Lets all do our part this summer - don't drink and drive."

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