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School trustees will not be acclaimed this time

Twenty in race for just seven positions on board

A plethora of names will be on the ballot when Delta voters choose their new school board in next month's civic election.

Unlike 2008, when the seven members of the board were acclaimed because they were the only ones to file nomination papers, a total of 20 will run this year.

Current chair Dale Saip is leading the Delta R.E.A.L. (Responsible Education and Academic Leadership) Team, which includes fellow incumbents Brenda Bennett-Schneider and Simon Truelove as well as newcomer Nick Kanakos. It's the only slate in the school board race as the rest of the candidates are independents.

All incumbents, with the exception of Gordon Masi, are seeking re-election.

Janet Shauntz, a former board chair, told the Optimist she was asked to join Saip's team again but wasn't able to give him a response in time due to family matters.

She said the lack of candidates in the last election was an anomaly, and that it's always a good thing when lots of people express interest and submit their names to run.

"You never know who's going to run and how many people are going to show up, but in the past we've always had a great deal of interest and candidates," she said.

Donna Burke, the District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) chair from 2006 to 2010, said the 2008 nonelection "was very frustrating for those of us who wanted to have a frank and open discussion about the challenges facing school districts in B.C."

Val Windsor, the former Delta Teachers' Association president, said she intends to be an advocate for Delta students, particularly around the real cost of funding for those with special needs.

This past spring trustees adopted an operating budget that had a several reductions to help make up a $3.49 million shortfall. It was the latest in a series of cutbacks, which included closing Delta Manor and Boundary Beach elementary schools in 2009, a move that proved highly unpopular.

Shauntz noted those closures aren't likely the only reason more people have stepped forward to run in this election.

"There's government initiatives, there's funding issues, there's personal issues that people have, like wanting to advocate more for their child, so it varies," she said.


Carroll Allan Andy Basi Carleen Bazowsky

* Brenda Bennett-Schneider

Donna Burke

* Laura Dixon Pat Dyer Carol Johnson Nick Kanakos Sue Lloyd Andrew Maas Michael Patrick Macumber

* Fabian Milat

* Dale Saip

Julie Sanders

* Janet Shauntz Brad Sherwin Malcolm Smillie

* Simon Truelove Val Windsor

* Incumbent

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