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Tickets now available for Delta Police Pipe Band's Burns Suppers

The Delta Police Pipe Band is once preparing to host its annual Burns Supper. To be more accurate, the band will be hosting Burns Suppers, for the demand is such that for the past several years it has held events on consecutive nights.

The Delta Police Pipe Band is once preparing to host its annual Burns Supper. To be more accurate, the band will be hosting Burns Suppers, for the demand is such that for the past several years it has held events on consecutive nights.

Purported to be the largest Burns event in the piping world, the celebration of the life of Robert Burns by the Delta Police Pipe Band is an enjoyable experience.

Held in the gymnasium of Ladner's Sacred Heart School, each evening sees 450 people partake in the traditional meal of haggis, bashed neeps and tatties, with peas and beets. For the less traditional, a great prime rib is served. A single malt bar caters to the connoisseur, with beer, wine and soft drinks also available.

The 2012 Burns Suppers will be held on Friday, Jan. 20 and Saturday, Jan. 21.

The customary pomp and ceremony associated with a Burns Supper sees the poor haggis ritually murdered and the traditional address to the immortal memory, with the lassies and laddies getting their share of the speeches.

Highland dancers and a bagpipe solo are performed to whet the appetite for the main event, the appearance of the world-renowned Delta Police Pipe Band.

With over 50 members, the band is an impressive sight and sound, justifying its national and international reputation as one of the best non-competitive pipe bands. Guests are treated to a wide range of traditional and modern tunes, together with the ever-popular Regimental Highland Dancers and an act that has become a standard of band performances, the duet of the Chinese suona and bagpipes.

The suppers are habitually sellout affairs and those interested are urged to get their tickets early. At $50 each, tickets can be ordered by calling 604-940-5040.