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Tough to improve game from seat at restaurant

Fair weather golfers vow to raise their play this year

It started with such promise.

This, the golf mates and I pledged, would be the season we'd really step it up. This, we vowed over dim sum many weeks ago, would be the year we'd play routinely and boost the calibre of our game.

"We need to play more often," I said. "Would you please hand me the spring rolls?"

"We really should," a golf mate observed. "And we need to ask for some sticky rice."

We set a date for the following Sunday, and continued to feast on pork buns, shrimp dumplings, vegetarian pot stickers and rice noodle rolls.

Sunday arrived. "It looks like it might rain," I said, before we teed off. "If it rains, I'm not playing."

"And my arm has been aching," a golf mate said. "If it's sore today, then I'm not playing either."

"And I have to be somewhere by noon," said another. "If the play is slow, I might have to leave after eight holes."

But at least we made it to the course. And at least we established some goals.

Mine, I told the mates, would be to mix up my game a bit this year.

Translated: to use something other than a seven iron.

"I'm going to start with baby steps," I told them.

"I can't go near a driver. But this year, I'm going to try my five and nine. Oh, I might also use a scorecard at some point. That's a good goal."

I told them we also needed to settle on another date for a game, this being the year when we'd really step it up and all that. Next Sunday, I wondered?

"I'm away," said one mate.

"I'll have company," said the other.

The following Sunday, I asked?

"Father's Day," said one of the mates.

"Yep," said the other. "Father's Day."

We got together over dim sum once again, this time, to consult our calendars.

"How about, um, the second week of July?" asked one of the golf mates. "And do you think we should order some more pork dumplings?"

I would be away that weekend, I informed the mates, pouring us all some more tea.

There were, let's just say, some "issues" all around.

Vacations. Birthday parties. Family picnics. You name it.

Still. We may be into July already, but our resolve to crank it up remains as strong as ever.

I will use a five iron one day soon, and I may even go with a nine. I'm going to meet those goals, by golly.

That is, if I happen to play.