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Trim-a-thon benefits animals

A local animal hospital is once again trimming nails for a good cause. The Tsawwassen Animal Hospital is holding its annual Nail Trim-A-Thon this weekend.

A local animal hospital is once again trimming nails for a good cause.

The Tsawwassen Animal Hospital is holding its annual Nail Trim-A-Thon this weekend. The event, now in its fourth year, allows animal owners to bring their pets in for a nail trim in return for a donation.

All the money raised goes to the Delta Homeless Animal Fund to help treat sick or injured animals, as well as to cover spay and neuter surgeries for feral/ semi-feral cats.

The fund was started by the Tsawwassen Animal Hospital in 2002 in response to the number of stray, feral or unwanted felines in the area. The fund helps cover the cost of treating and finding homes for the animals.

Every year, the hospital spays and neuters many feral cats and then releases them in the area they were trapped.

As well, many cats and dogs are treated for a variety of medical issues, spayed or neutered, and then put up for adoption.

Last year's event saw almost 100 dogs, cats, rabbits and even one pigeon get a nail trim, raising enough money to fund the Delta Homeless Animal Fund for a year, said Jane Milner, associate veterinarian.

The Nail Trim-A-Thon is set for Saturday, Nov.

5 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Tsawwassen Animal Hospital, 1-1835-56th St.

The event will include a sealed bid auction.

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