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What do you think about Family Day?

Barry Saip I've got relatives in Alberta and they always enjoy it. I figure, yeah, why not? Trevor Laishley I don't personally find it necessary, but I don't have a family.

Barry Saip I've got relatives in Alberta and they always enjoy it. I figure, yeah, why not?

Trevor Laishley I don't personally find it necessary, but I don't have a family. But who can complain about an extra day off?

Chad Rana I've got two thoughts on that. One day of vacation isn't going to benefit the economy. But as far as a day between Christmas and Easter, I think it's well needed.

Wendy Baker I think it's really hard on small businesses, not that I would turn down the holiday.

Arlene Fankhauser Love it. About time. Families need that break. Teachers need it and kids need it in February.