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Wheeling half marathon to give back

Jennifer Rumley Bjarnason completes SeaWheeze to help others who suffered spinal cord injuries

When Jennifer Rumley Bjarnason suffered a serious spinal cord injury in July 2012, community members from all walks of life stepped up to help her and her family.

The wife of Delta firefighter Mike Bjarnason knew some day she wanted to give back as a way of thanking others who helped her.

The Lululemon half marathon SeaWheeze on Aug. 13 provided just that opportunity.

"During that time of the injury we received a lot of support from family and friends, also various fire departments across B.C., especially the Delta Fire Department," Rumley Bjarnason said. "When you suffer a spinal cord injury, it takes a village to build a person back up. I used to be very involved in my physical fitness. When you suffer this injury it takes a long time before you can feel good about yourself and also be able to feel confident enough to start becoming physically active again."

She said it's an amazing thing how firefighters take care of their own.

Last year she made herself a goal to become more physically active and with that thought it could be a way to raise money for others who have suffered spinal cord injuries.

She was lucky to secure a spot in the race, which sold out in five minutes.

She began to train with friend Carrie Light from Training 4 Life and was eager and prepared to take on the challenge.

"It was an absolutely amazing experience. The atmosphere was completely electric," she recalled. "As we took off, people were high fiving me, it was just so amazing. I started to tear up a bit. These other racers were so supportive throughout the whole race. I've heard about the race, and I've seen pictures, but to be involved in it was quite an experience that I will never forget."

Prior to and after the race, she set up a fundraising page at: for two other people who have suffered spinal cord injuries. Codi Ziola Punnett, a Langley mother of three, was in a horrible accident and is now paralyzed from the waist down. The other is Surrey firefighter and father of three Aaron Gelowitz, who suffered an extensive injury to his neck while cliff diving on a vacation. Donations are still coming in, but so far close to $2,000 U.S. has been raised.

Rumley Bjarnason said she will keep the donation page active for the next few weeks.

"It feels nice to just give back. When I was injured so many people helped out and had fundraisers, so it felt really good to be able to meet my goal, get the medal at the finish, but to also give back."