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Where's everybody going in such a hurry?

On this one, if the hat don't fit, by all means flog it on Craigslist.

On this one, if the hat don't fit, by all means flog it on Craigslist. But have you noticed these days, most everyone - you being the exception - is driving a lot faster? A lot faster!

Goodness knows where these speed merchants are going, or why they have to totally boot it to get to their personal Promised Land in the next 10 minutes? But they're doing it. And the result is that it's dangerously nuts out there.

I won't speak for the rest of the Lower Mainland because this is Delta country and a Delta newspaper, but I suspect it's the same all over. Collectively, a whole bunch of people wanting to get from A to B in the fastest possible time.

And to do it, speed limits are being consistently broken, as if there's a new God-given right for these people to greatly exceed the limit that's posted - and anywhere and everywhere around here to go hell bent for leather to get somewhere.

Take Highway 17, for instance - a pretty fair stretch of road where tops of 90ish would seem to be OK. But drive at 90, and a Beamer or a big black Dodge Ram will pass you doing 140 and disappear into the distance. A ferry to catch? Who knows? A wish to get into the tunnel lineup two minutes ahead of the next Beamer or big black Ram? (Oops, stopped by the light on Ladner Trunk with all of those semis.


Perish the thought these people ever take the first exit south of the tunnel and have to drive at 50K - posted any number of times - on the road into Ladner. They're impatient, infuriated and can't bear to think this is a rural lane, as is Arthur Drive, and sorry, but it's time to slow down!

And that tunnel! Along with others, I must surely agree that while it was a mechanical marvel when they dropped it into the mud of the Fraser River during the middle of the 20th century, it can no longer be considered adequate or safe as an element in a highway system that leads to a major North American city.

Surely we have the right to question the wisdom of some of the Lower Mainland's infrastructural priorities, as the tunnel turns into an icon of a distant-driving past at the bottom of the river.

Again, whatever the posted speed limit is for that dark and dismal Massey tube, it's too fast. Take off your sunglasses, turn on your lights, slow down for goodness sake and enjoy the potholes!

Unfortunately, we drive in a highway world of tailgaters, rude people and speedsters that obviously believe because they paid the moon for their fancy chariots, they can drive as they please. "And if you don't move your ass little old lady, I'll burn rubber and leave you in the dust!"

To get to who knows where? Likely nothing more than to wait for the next ride to the Island, to shop in a TFN superstore or to watch the usual mayhem on the evening news. Again, I know it's not you.

Award-winning freelance writer Duncan Holmes has been a Tsawwassen resident for six years. He claims to be a pretty good amateur chef and his writing over the years has been mostly about food.

Optimist contributor